Saturday, June 28, 2008

Wishin, and Hopin' and Plannin' and Prayin'

It has Nothing to do with marriage. The song just made me feel good...

August 18th, 2005

"This totally fucken sucks, I have great news and no one to share it with. So here it is:

I passed my Math class. Second highest score in the class. It was so awesome. As I handed in my test, my teacher stopped me. "Mr. Morales, I would like you to know your score, because it is very disturbing." As he put my test aside, I thought I was gonna fail. "You see here, this is your test scores (58), apparently you missed one test. This does not bode well Mr. Morales. Now these are your on line scores (60) now if you multiply this times this, divide by this...this is what you get, (84). But when I correct this paper, and then divide once more by this number here.....92...well Mr. Morales what I am trying to say is, You have held second highest grade in the class, since semester began. You only needed to get one answer right. Since the last problem, which I see you've done correctly, is worth 15 points...I really hope to see you in my next class." I was so happy, I sang all the way home.

I have my fingers, eyes, toes, legs, name it, I have it crossed. GOD is always with me, with out him I could never have accomplished this. Thank you Lord....One down, one to go.

You can kiss my ass Math!!! You whore!!!!

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