Sunday, June 29, 2008


MAY 23, 2007

"Well, as you all know (because I insistently keep reminding everyone) I just got back from a very wonderful and amazing trip to Hawaii.

There was so much to do and see...I just wanted everyone that I didn't talk to yet, know everything that Papi and I did. So here goes:

We left to the air port at 6 in the morning to be there by 8. Our plane was supposed to leave at 10, but they were having some maintenance issues and we didn't end up leaving until 2 p.m. I was pissed. (So were alot of other people) The plane ride was really smooth and no no turbulence. We flew for about 5 1/2 hour...but it really seemed longer than that cuz I really just wanted to get there.

We got there at 4:15 p.m. (3 hours behind over there). From the sky you could see how beautiful and blue the water was. it was amazing. We got off the plane and the weather was a bit warm, but with a wonderful breeze to keep you from sweating (In my opinion...the weather there is perfect)

We pick up our luggage and go hail a taxi. Would you fuckin believe that our taxi was a Limo?? It was like shit started off on a high note. (well shit IN Hawaii anyways)

Just to let you know...Hawaii has the same problems with Rush Hour Traffic...but the scenery is great, so that's really not a problem.

We get to our hotel, which is the Marriot at Waikiki, and all I really cared about was the view from our balcony. You could see the world from here. 16th floor, and the sun had set just perfect.

We unpacked and went to go grab something to eat. Most places were open, but we needed to eat something that we knew we were gonna like. IHOP. It was great...and we thought inexpensive, but HELL NAW....30 bucks for just me and Andrew. But we did scarf all the food down.

We walked around for a while, just to get a feel for the area. We were back in bed by 10 p.m. (yeah I know, but JetLag is a real thing)

Everyday that we were there, we pretty much woke up at 6 in the morning. The sun was out and shining by then. The air was cool and crisp. Excellent weather to hit the beach (which was only half a block away)

We lay on a beautiful sandy beach with its amazingly warm water. A wonderful mixture. If we could have stuff like that over here, I think I would be a beach bunny.

Okay to side track for a moment....EVERYONE THERE HAD AMAZING BODY. They all had gorgeous 6-pack abs. Even a few homeless people had them. Nice tans, rock hard abs, chests to die for...I want to live there just to assimilate with the natives and become one of the perfect bodies.

We went out every night to party. We went to this club called Angles. It was nice. It had an outside patio, and everyone was really friendly. It was at this club that I won 3rd place in a best chest contest. The bartender was hitting on me and signed me up for the contest. I told him, he would have to get me drunk..(Although, the 2nd place winner...I don't know how he won...he was this short little Asian guy with NO MEAT on him whatsoever. He was like a twig....I guess he won cause he had more friends cheering for him...but hell...I got a grip of free drinks that night, just for being me...LOL)

Some guy hit on me and even after I told him that me and my husband came to the island to chill....he kept on talking to me. He didn't go away. I didn't have anything to say to him, but he kept on talking....(GO AWAY MAN!!!!)

We went back to our room about 3 a.m. It was a very good night.

We woke up the next day and made a day of the town. We walked everywhere. Ate anywhere....but most of the time we spent on the beach. We got our tan on, and our swim on. We shopped, and just really enjoy the days.

We both got a massage. It was the most intense thing ever. He hit spots that I never knew could feel so good (don't be a perv...I was talking about my hands. He started rubbing then and caressing them and I seriously had an was extremely sensual but in a non sex way)

I was finally going to get a tattoo, but the guy couldn't draw it. He tried to free hand it, but he changed it way too much. He kept trying to get me to use the one that he had drawn, saying that "you don't want your tattoo to look like someone E=wlse' should take this out, and I'll change this to look like this" I was like...dude no, this is going on me for the rest of my life...I don't care if it looks like someone else' I left. But I was sad, cuz I was finally gonna get my tattoo. Oh well....

Our nights were spent on the town. We went out every night, to different clubs. And drank...and enjoyed the time we had to spend with each other. The place has the ability to heighten your love and emotion. The ambiance in the air is romance.

We went out again, but this time to a club called Hulas. It was on the second floor of a Hotel, and it had seats set against a balcony that was completely open to the ocean air. The drinks were cheap...we had 32oz pitchers of beer for only 5 dollars. We kept them coming from 10 till 2 a.m. but the cool thing was that we didn't get drunk. Then after we were done there....we went to another club called Fuzion. It was a great place to dance. LOTS of people. All kinds of people. Trannies, Bi guys, Gay Guys, Girls....ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE.

One thing that Hawaii has that we don't is shade. EVERYONE IS NICE. It doesn't matter what they look like, if they hit on someone they will make conversation. I understand just now why that guy kept talking to me. It's not like here, where the people are superficial. Californians could use to learn somethings from the people of Hawaii.

This was one of the best things that I could ever have done in my life. I'm glad that we went this time, and got to miss out on going last time.

We were on a different island than we would have been on last time, and Waikiki is definitely the place to be. The days lasted forever. We did so much, and then looked at the time only to realize that only 2 or 3 hours had passed.

The night air was warm and cool. We only wore shorts and tank tops. In some cases, we didn't wear a shirt at all. I have never felt so comfortable about my body as I did at that place.

At the end of our trip, I really didn't want to come home. I wanted to stay forever and lie on the beach with my baby. But, then I know it wouldn't be a special place anymore. I love Hawaii. My favorite place in the world. Better than home. But it wouldn't have been the same without my baby next to me. It was great to forget about the rest of the world, and just let it be us. There was no one else I cared about, no problems, just a real break from life.

It was an invigorating and re inspiring moment in my life."

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