Saturday, June 28, 2008

Time WIth Family

This is one of the best days I've ever spent with my family...

August 15, 2005

"Wow, you know sometimes the best times you can have are the ones with family. This weekend was great. Truly one of the best ones I've had all year. 1st, I got to spend time with my brothers and sister. As some of you may know, they live in Vegas. I don't get to see them very much anymore because of this, so being with them made this weekend great. On Friday, Papi and I went to pick them up from Lancaster. (Ugh, It was a drive) We had a little trouble finding them cuz we went to tthe wrong house, and OG doesn't know how to give directions. They came to our house, and we stood up till the wee hours of morning playing video games.

The next day, we picked up Ro and went to Nevaeh's (My niece) Birthday party. GOD I can't believe she is already 3. The time goes by so fast. I saw my Cousin Bobbie, and My other Brother Richard, and his beautiful wife Maria. BTW they are do to have another child on Dec. 30. It's a boy, and they are naming him Richard Jr. ( I find it fuken amazing how we all turned out like we did. Even without a Dad around, we still turn out good.) We spent time there and were drinking with the familia from 4 till.....130. Then we stood up till the wee hours of morning, again. Sadly on Sunday I had to take them to thier Dad's. I enjoyed having them here. I do wish Mom could have come down with them, but she is in Vegas making the big bucks. (She is the strongest, most hard working woman I know.) I learned so much from having them here, I guess really.....I missed seeing them grow up. My brother OG is a teenager, and he's so smart, and he just amazes me with who he is becoming. He's not my baby brother any more, he's grown up so much. DJ is very introverted. I don't get that. Mom says all he does is sleep, and eat and play video games. I think he may be going through a teenage depression. I know he has the ability to be just as good as the rest of us, but he's a mite selfish. He's funny though, the goofy one. But He's really smart too. Then the baby, I can't stop worring about her, or her safety or maing sure that she has enough. She's the only girl and I think whether she has eaten, or what she's doing. She's really superficial at her age, and thinks about her weight, which isn't good at 11. Hopefully she will grow out of the material faze, cuz Lord knows, you can't always get what you want. (Well as long as she has us she kinda will...heeheehee) I had a great weekend and ended it off with Smores at Erika's house....YUUUUUUUMMMM! I totally did not want to stop eating them, but I knew I had to. The beer was good too. All the while, my papi was by my side. He is the only family I have here next to me, and I am happy to know that I have him."

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