Sunday, June 29, 2008


So as I was reading...I realized that dates don't quite add up (thank you myspace) but things pretty much go in order...don't fault me for it, for I am flawed...

"I'm in a bit of a quandry. Today I come to find out that those people that I chose to confide in used what I said against me. I decided to trust someone that I have known for a long time and talk to him about the going on's in my life. I asked personal questions about life and understandings similar situations that I THOUGHT we had in common. He gave some advice that was neither here nor there but he gave a bit of a direction.

I was so foolish in doing that. I feel so betrayed. I feel so wronged and really pissed off about it. I don't really care about the person but I thought that he was a good person.

Do you know what it does to a person to find out that, your judgement in character is wrong? That everything you thought about a person was different from everything but the truth.

I thought he was a go to guy. I trusted him in my personal life. I trusted him with my boyfriend, and I asked that my boyfriend trust him as well. Man do I feel stupid.

I feel aweful for the people that do trust him. I would like to tell them what he did to me but it's not my place. Then that makes me just like him. I do not consider him my friend...oh no, I would never do something like that. I guess in that manner I have chosen well to do.

I don't understand what is going on anymore. What the hell happened to genuine people? What happened to people that didn't talk shit behind your back? What happened to the people that smile infront of you and when your not around?

I don't think I am a bad person. I like to think I am a pretty decent person. I have a good heart, and good intentions. I cry when something bad happens to people I don't even know. My heart always goes out...That's me with my Mother Theresa complex...hahahaha

These people that I work for are horrible. The hold no loyalties to the people that have been so loyal to them. I have worked my ass off for these people and the believe that I am some kind of underminded evil mastermind out to get them. Hey guess what assholes, you are the one's out to get ME! You are the one's who watch your own backs. Do you understand what kind of person that makes you? Do you think about anyone but yourselves? How can you make people trust you and get thier defenses down only to try and get them to cop to something that's not even happening? the only fucking thing you care about it how good we make YOU look. You don't care about us. You selfish bitches.

It makes me angry to know what kind of place and people I work for. For anyone that is not working where I am, or has been decided to move on to greener pastures...You are not missing out on anything. Everything that's going on right now would have just been all the worst for you. Be happy that you are happy that you made your friends and you know who they are.

But be careful of those people that you just invite to the party because you've known them for so long, cause you may not know them at all....Things are not always what they seem"

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