Monday, June 30, 2008

In a perfect world???


Think about it....

As someone, you're an individual. You have thoughts and feelings that you just quite don't understand sometimes. Things that may hurt people. You have to watch what you say and choose your words correctly. There are do's and don't's. You can't act how you want and you have to hold back so much. You get to love some of the greatest things, and find passion for life in the simplest of pleasures. The feel of the grass between your toes is just as wonderful as a cool breeze on a hot summer day. Love at first sight is something you dream of. Crying is such a release....and smiles light your way.

The world that we live in is just so corrupt and in some cases unbearable. The paper, the news, the talk at the water cooler about how Tom in payroll just lost his home. Things you can't control. It's a nasty business.

But most people will say "that's's hard". What's hard for one person is easy for another. People go through things you couldn't even imagine. Some people have a golden road paved out for them before their even released from the womb.

Sounds like a roller coaster, huh? Up and down back and forth...God it's so confusing.

But what if you were given the option to avoid all of that?

No pain or suffering. No hate or displeasure. No waiting for the moment when everything makes more sense. No frustration. It's all just made up for you. You wouldn't have to feel or worry about anything. Destiny will be clear and cut for you. Just a constant clear mind because you already know what's at the end of the road. A place where everyone is equal...COMPLETELY EQUAL.

Could you give up the feeling you get when you smell a cologne that reminds you of someone? How about the way your body reacts when you hear a song? The feeling of a first kiss? Compassion? Emotional Attachment?

Would you give all that up to know that every awful emotion, instance and problem that MAY happen or does happen in the world, wouldn't happen anymore?

If you were offered what seemed to be a perfect world....

Would you do it?


theahb said...

Hmm... take the green pill and have the perfect world or take the red pill and live in the world that is hard, unfair, and unequal?

I had a mug once that said "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" -----Well there would be no emotional sense of accomplishment for what you did do, no matter what the task. Brain surgery? --no problem, because I knew I wouldn't fail. 18 rounds of golf against Tiger Woods? No biggie.... in fact, we'd all be Tiger Woods....

So life, in all it's many complexities, we truly only value the natural high's of life with the equally (and often times unequally) lows. It is also in the struggles during the low points that we truly have growth within ourselves... because we push ourselves (hopefully) to overcome the obstacle. Once we survive, we learn from it, take that onward in our life, and hopefully, pass life experiences on to our kids. This is how a society pushes forward.

Modern day example: Oil crisis is changing the face of industries and pollution.

I'm reminded of the song World by Five for Fighting

Here are the lyrics:

Got a package full of wishes
A time machine, a magic wand
A globe made out of gold
No instructions or commandments,
Laws of gravity or indecisions to uphold
Printed on the box I see: ACME's Build a World to Be.
Take a chance, grab a piece
Help me to believe it

What kind of world do you want
Think anything
Let’s start at the start
Build a masterpiece
Be careful what you wish for
History starts now

Should there be people or peoples
Money, funny pedestals
For fools who never pay
Raise your army, choose your steeple
Don’t be shy, the satellites can look the other way
Lose the earthquakes, keep the faults
Fill the oceans without the salt
Let every man own his own hand.
Can you dig it baby?

What kind of world do you want
Think anything
Let’s start at the start
Build a masterpiece
Be careful what you wish for
History starts now

Sunlight’s on the bridge
Sunlight’s on the way
Tomorrow’s calling
There’s more to this than love

What kind of world do you want
Think anything
Let's start at the start
Build a masterpiece
History starts now
Starts now
Be careful what you wish for

Start now

Enano said...

What would be the point of living...

Living is exciting and fun and always a surprise. Everyday is different in some way shape or form and that's what makes everyday exciting. Knowing that we have the "Choice" to do things differently gives us the opportunity to learn and grow from what happened the day before.

We all love to dream and think of what our future will hold but who is to say we'll get to live that far or be allowed to accomplish those goals.

Your right when you say life is a roller coaster, with its many ups and downs twists and turns but come on now what roller coaster only has one seat??? That's why people ride them together, its more fun that way. Sharing life with friends, family, and if your lucky enough that special someone you love and hold close to your heart. These people are what make riding the roller coaster worth it.

So if given the choice, I'd stay on that ride and wonder what the next day has in store for me.

Nel said...

I just read this specific post right now for the first time. Your descriptions about this "perfect world" really got me thinking about it and at first, my initial answer was just going to be "no thanks". As "perfect" as that would would seem, sometimes it's the tiny imperfections in the world, the random differences in people, the varied emotions we experience, the ups and downs, and the unexpected that really make a life worth living. Of course, with all those things will come a good part of the "good" variety but also the "bad." Nobody likes the bad, but that's just how it is. Not to get all Buffy-geeky now, but like she said, "The hardest thing in this to live in it." So I'll rather have this imperfect world...and hope for the best.

Still...I can't help but wonder, what if I'd read this post at another time, like say...around 2005...a time when I was going through tough times? I probably would've wanted that "perfect" world in a heartbeat.