Saturday, June 28, 2008

This Sucks..

Every year, around the same time...I get sick beyond all belief...This time, I was able to wrote about it....

December 9th, 2005

"Oh man, this week has so SUCKED for me. I was feeling all better last week, then BAM!!!!! I got really sick out of no where. I've been sick for about a week. I was mildly sick two weeks ago, then I felt better for about a week. I tried to work today, but I got a freakin fever out of no where. Turns out that a lung infection, turned into bronchitis. DAMMIT, Lord I just want to get better.

I had so many plans this weekend. I was gonna go see Brokeback Mountain, and go to the Arena and party till the crack of dawn. Now I have to stay inside and get rest and get better. I know that it's not the end of the world but I really don't like staying home. I know I have to work, and get paid cuz i don't want to have to worry about our money situation. Papi says that's okay, and I don't have to worry. I guess we'll be okay though."

A thought just occurred to me...perhaps I should keep track of when I get sick and see what the causes are and what kind of sickness i get...maybe i can prevent myself from getting sick if i consider all the conditions....

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