Thursday, July 10, 2008


If the world never offered you lies and distrust, do you think that you could handle it?

In every moment of everyday, someone SOMEHOW will lie to you.

"I didn't know what time it was...I've never eaten that much...I'm a natural blond"

People lie for the most ridiculous reasons. Never truly accepting the reason that they need to lie. People don't take responsibility for their actions..or for what they do.

Some people lie because it became a habit and somewhere down the line, they actually started to believe it.

They spread these insignificant lies and pretty soon, it's turned in to a 3 ring circus and people have lined up to see the main attraction.

But what if....everyone was honest?

What if the car sales man that is jacking up the price 300% told you, "I'm actually trying to rip you off!"

Or the bank tells you, the day you sign up, "When you overdraft, we are going to charge you 36 dollars every time."

How about the your parent who has a bad child in school, "Ya know, he's really not my problem from 8 -3"

How about the lover who has been unfaithful? "I cheated on you today"

Would all those things deter you? Or would you continue to go down that path and say..."well, at least they were honest with me. perhaps there is something that we can work with"

How would you react to the truth? Would you not want to hear it? Would you rather have the lie?

I pride myself on being an honest person. However, lately it just doesn't seem like being honest is the way to go. I feel as though the whole world wants you to keep in what's really going on inside. No one wants to hear the truth....

"Does this make me look fat?" Yes....
"It's not me that smells" Actually, it is...
"Check out this song" Truthfully, I don't like it...
"Do you still find me attractive" No, I'm sorry I don't...
"How do you think I've performed" You don't do a good job...

Not to say that these are actuals...these are things I've heard. But not without apology.

And furthermore...why even have to apologize for the way you think and feel if it's not meant to be malicious?

If honesty is something that is desired and in many relationships, or I feel required...Why don't people accept the truth as a blessing?

It feels like lies offer comfort. Lies offer the indescribable feeling of safe.

How is that possible, when it's not real? When the lie is a fabrication of everything true, why do people chose that over honesty?

The lies fester inside...eroding and decaying everything in a person. One becomes a shell of the thing that used to make them whole.

Like Adam and Eve....we cower in shame. We disguise ourselves and try to hide it as deep within as we can. We bury that truth so deep so that we can forget that it ever happened, or so that it will never escape.

Is that better? Is there a way that you can live without honesty?

I for one, can not...I need the honesty and communication. I like to be able to tell my friends, "'re drinking too much", or "hey I miss your ass a hell of a lot"...and even, "today...i just really don't feel like talking to you." Without them getting hurt or thinking that I am not respecting them.

You can show me that you love me, by telling me the truth no matter how much it may hurt me. I'd rather you tell me the truth about something...than hold it in and let it fester. You will only damage our friendship and YOURSELF but keeping what you truly feel inside.

How can I fix what's wrong if you don't tell me?

I've never been one to be mean to people. I've always tried to respect people as much as possible. To give them the room to grow and only give advice when it's needed. And when it HAS been my time to give advice, I have always been honest.

I have always thought that honesty was the best policy...but now, lately...I'm not so sure.


Nel said...

Reading your descriptions about how you are, it reminded me of me in several ways. I also tend to be honest, as best as I can. I try to be respectful of people and never want to hurt anyone. But sometimes a little lie here and there is kind of needed. We're just too damn fragile as humans. We want to be told that the new hairstyle looks good, that we are good singers, that we're losing weight, etc. But when I tell lies, it's usually just the small stuff. Things that minutes later we'll probably already have forgotten about. lol When it comes to bigger issues, even if I wanted to lie, it's tough for me to do so. It's like my mind won't let me. lol

It'd be nice if everyone could be more honest. But with some people, I've learned that even a bit of honesty is asking too much.

theahb said...

"It feels like lies offer comfort. Lies offer the indescribable feeling of safe."

I generally agree with the first comment that people are far too fragile or sensitive. I have been guilty of it too. Something about our generation(s) that have us growing up not being able to accept (harsh) reality.

Ethics is really at the core of this discussion.....
From Wiki on Ethics....
Socrates was one of the first Greek philosophers to encourage both scholars and the common citizen to turn their attention from the outside world to the condition of man. In this view, Knowledge having a bearing on human life was placed highest, all other knowledge being secondary. Self-knowledge was considered necessary for success and inherently an essential good. A self-aware person will act completely within their capabilities to their pinnacle, while an ignorant person will flounder and encounter difficulty. To Socrates, a person must become aware of every fact (and its context) relevant to his existence, if he wishes to attain self-knowledge. He posited that people will naturally do what is good, if they know what is right. Evil or bad actions, are the result of ignorance. If a criminal were truly aware of the mental and spiritual consequences of his actions, he would neither commit nor even consider committing them. Any person who knows what is truly right will automatically do it, according to Socrates. While he equated knowledge with virtue, he similarly equated virtue with happiness.

The truly wise man will know what is right, do what is good and therefore be happy.

And in our society... are people generally happy? Not made happy by material possessions, but genuinely happy?

theahb said...

....perhaps we would all be truly happy if we all told the truth.